{ "CMSG-01_login": "ATTENTION APPRAISERS – Please review the new job aid Append (Clone) Appraisal Functionality in ClickFORMS 7.3.2 located in the How To section of Help. This interim process will need to be followed when you clone an appraisal report completed prior to February 3, 2014.", "CMSG-02": "You cannot reuse this old password", "CMSG-03": "The passwords do not match", "CMSG-04": "Old password is incorrect, please re-enter", "CMSG-05": "Your password has been successfully changed", "CMSG-41": "Application error - please try again later", "CMSG-44": "Need help? Please contact us on 1 877 658 8258.", "CMSG-45": "If you don’t receive the email within a few minutes, check your spam folder. Or resend the email. Need help? Please contact us on 1877 658 8258.", "CMSG-46": "An email with instructions to reset your password has been sent to you.", "CMSG-47": "To reset your password, enter your username. We will send you an email with instructions to reset your password.", "CMSG-48": "Your password has been changed.", "CMSG-49": "Please click here to go back to Manage Firm.", "CMSG-50": "Please click here to Sign in.", "CMSG-51": "To unlock your account, enter your username. We will send you an email with instructions to unlock your account.", "CMSG-52": "An email with instructions to unlock your account has been sent to you.", "CMSG-53": "Your account has been unlocked.", "CMSG-51_userReg": "Simply fill in the fields below to create your RPS ACCESS account.
Have questions? Call 1-877-658-8258 or email info@rpsrealsolutions.com. We’d love to help!", "CMSG-52_userReg": "Thank you for registering as a Broker with RPS ACCESS. Your account will be activated within 4 business hours. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided.

", "CMSG-53_userReg": "I have reviewed and agreed to the RPS ACCESS", "CMSG-54_userReg": "Terms and Conditions", "CMSG-55_userReg": "If you will be ordering on behalf of National Bank in Quebec, ATB, Prospera or Industrial Alliance, please check this box.", "CMSG-55": "Your email has been confirmed.", "ManageProfile_EmailNotConfirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed.", "CMSG-57": "A confirmation email has been resent to you.", "CMSG-58": " as per your request. ", "CMSG-60": " has been sent a Password Reset notification via ", "CMSG-59": " via ", "ResetPW_Failed": "Unable to reset your password. Please contact RPS Real Property Solutions for assistance.", "CMSG-62": "Are you sure to delete", "CMSG-63": "has been Deleted as per your request.", "CMSG-64": "Are you sure you want to change status of ", "CMSG-65": "has their Active status changed, as per your request.", "CMSG-66": "No results found.", "CMSG-67": "End date must be greater or equal to start date.", "OD_Report": "There are no uploaded reports to view", "MSG-1_notes": "This page is for your internal use only. Any requests noted here will not be responded to by our Customer Care Team.", "MSG-59": "No order matching criteria.", "MSG-01": "There are currently no reports for this order.", "MSG-1_Attachments": "There are currently no attachments for this order.", "MSG-2_Attachments": "Please select the file for upload.", "MSG-3_Attachments": "User cannot view attachments.", "MSG-4_Attachments": "User cannot upload attachments.", "MSG-1_History": "There is currently no history for this order.", "MSG-1_Report": "There are currently no reports for this order.", "MSG-1_Invoice": "There are currently no Invoices for this order.", "MSG-1_Receipt": "There are currently no receipts for this order.", "MSG-1_Notes": "There are currently no Notes for this order.", "MSG-2_Notes": "Please enter a note.", "MSG-3_Notes": "Maximum 975 characters is allowed for the new note.", "MSG-39": "No orders found", "MSG-2_reopen": "- File size must be greater than 0 and less than 10 MB", "MSG-3_reopen": "- File type not supported", "MSG-1_payment": "Order payment submission has failed. Please try again.", "MSG-2_payment": "You will lose any data entered on previous pages.", "MSG-3_payment": "You will lose any data entered for this order, are you sure you want to leave this page?", "MSG-4_payment": "Order payment has already been submitted.", "ManageProfile_UserExist": "The User ID or email address is already on file", "ManageProfile_CreationError": "Error occured while creating the user. Please try again", "MSG-4_createUser": "Only one email is allowed for Security Email Address.", "MSG-5_createUser": "Your changes have been saved.", "MSG-6_createUser": "The security email is existing.", "MSG-7_createUser": "Your changes have been saved.", "ManageProfile_EmailInvalid": "The email is invalid.", "ManageProfile_WrongEmailFormat":"You did not enter a valid RBC email address. Please re-enter an email address with the domain @rbc.com.", "ManageProfile_UserNotFound": "User does not exist or has not been migrated.", "MSG-9_createUser": "Security email address is missing.", "MSG-10_createUser": "Email has been resent successfully.", "ResendEmail_Failed": "Failed to re-send the Email.", "MSG-12_createUser": "Request information is missing.", "ManageProfile_EmailDiff": "Please save your Security Email in order to receive a confirmation email.", "MSG-60": "You will lose any data entered for this order, are you sure you want to leave this page?", "MSG-61": "You will lose any data entered for this order, are you sure you want to order a different appraisal type?", "MSG-62": "Please fill out all the required information.", "MSG-92": "CCAPS# must begin with 98, contain a minimum of 14 characters, but not exceed 15 characters", "MSG-63": "Please select the matching address.", "MSG-64": "You have tried to exceed the 1000 character limit. Please review.", "MSG-65": "You don't have permission to view the orders.", "MSG-66": "Please enter valid email address(es).", "MSG-67": "Invalid Phone number.", "MSG-68": "Applicant name, Contact 1 name and contact 1 phone can not be removed.", "MSG-69": "Please fill out all the required information.", "MSG-70": "Invalid Estimate market value.", "MSG-71": "You are in the process of creating an order, are you sure you want to leave this page?", "MSG-72": "Select a branch email address", "MSG-73": "Reopen Order", "MSG-74": "Financial Summary", "MSG-96": "Payment", "MSG-75": "Invalid Loan Amount", "MSG-76": "Email", "MSG-77": "Summary", "MSG-78": "Contacts", "MSG-79": "History", "MSG-80": "Report", "MSG-81": "Attachments", "MSG-82": "Lender Notes", "MSG-83": "Order Support", "MSG-93": "Comments/Support", "MSG-84": "Invalid Phone number Extension.", "MSG-87": "You have selected TD as the lender.  Please re-enter an email address with the domain of @td.com.", "MSG-88": "As you are a mortgage broker located in the Province of Quebec and would like to place an appraisal order for National Bank of Canada, we ask that you use your NBC specific Broker user ID and password to log on to RPS ACCESS. If you do not have an NBC Broker user ID, you may register for one by entering your information on the RPS ACCESS log on page.", "MSG-89": "Cancel Order", "MSG-90": "Escalations", "MSG-91": "Applicant name, Primary Contact type, Primary Contact name and Primary Contact phone can not be removed.", "MSG-1_cancel": "Your cancellation request has been received and will be processed shortly. Thank you.", "MSG-2_cancel": "The reason for cancellation is required.", "MSG-1_escalation": "Your escalation request has been received and will be processed shortly. Thank you.", "MSG-2_escalation": "The Issue/Concern is required.", "MSG-3_escalation": "The reason for escalation is required.", "MSG-5_payment": "You will now be transferred to a secured payment page. You will be returned to the RPS ACCESS website after payment has been completed.", "MSG-6_payment": "Order payment information is missing.", "MSG-7_payment": "Are you sure you want to cancel this order?", "MSG-8_payment": "Are you sure you want to leave this page?", "MSG-9_payment": "Charge Customer's Credit Card", "MSG-10_payment": "HST", "MSG-11_payment": "GST", "MSG-12_payment": "QST", "MSG-13_payment": "RST", "MSG-14_payment": "Payment Email address is missing or invalid.", "MSG-15_payment": "Order created. Email not sent", "MSG-16_payment": "The price for the subject property area is not available at this moment.", "MSG-17_payment": "Invalid Branch Transit number.", "MSG-18_payment": "Invalid institution number.", "MSG-19_payment": "Invalid bank account number.", "MSG-20_payment": "Please fill out all required information.", "MSG-1_support": "Your support request has been received and will be processed shortly. Thank you.", "MSG-95_support": "Your comments have been received and the order history has been updated.", "MSG-96_support": "A payment link has been sent to the email address you provided.", "MSG-97_support": "Your payment method has been updated to invoice.", "MSG-2_support": "Pend order request has been submitted.", "MSG-3_support": "Value appeal request has been submitted.", "MSG-3_support_VP": "A Stage 2 Value Appeal request has been submitted to Home Equity Financing (HEF) and you will be notified once the review is complete.", "MSG-4_support": "An error occurred while processing your request. To assist RPS Real Property Solutions in serving you better we ask that you email info@rpsrealsolutions.com with a description of what occurred.", "MSG-5_support": "Invalid email address.", "MSG-6_support": "Please fill out Issue/Concern.", "MSG-7_support": "Up to 5 additional emails. Please separate each email address with comma or semicolon", "MSG-8_support": "Please note that in order to request a value appeal or to pend an order; please go to the Re-open Tab. Only an order in Completed status can be re-opened for a value appeal or be pended.", "MSG-94_support": "To request a value appeal or report revision, please go to the Re-Open Order tab. Only orders in Completed status can be re-opened for a value appeal or report revision.", "MSG-9_support": "You don't have permission to perform this operation.", "MSG-10_support": "A Value Appeal has been completed for this order. If a second stage value appeal is required, please contact Home Equity Finance at propertyvaluation@rbc.com and include all required approvals and supporting documentation.", "MSG-10_support_ValueAppeal2": "A Value Appeal (Stage 2) has already been submitted for this order. Please check the Order History or contact Home Equity Financing at propertyvaluation@rbc.com for more information.", "MSG-11_support": "A Value Appeal is already In Progress.", "MSG-12_support_CAR": "Your CAR/Appraisal Report Inquiry has been submitted.", "MSG-10_ValuAppeal": "A Value Appeal (Stage 2) has already been submitted for this order. Please check the Order History or contact Home Equity Financing at propertyvaluation@rbc.com for more information.", "MSG-10_ValuAppeal2VP": "Your Regional Vice President’s approval is required to submit a value appeal request. Please acknowledge that you received your Regional Vice President’s approval below, enter your Regional Vice President’s full name, and re-submit the value appeal request", "MSG-1_admin": "Any Appraisal Type", "MSG-1_reopen": "Report not uploaded properly", "MSG-1_tooltip": "Google Map", "MSG-2_tooltip": "Appraisal Report", "MSG-3_tooltip": "Appraisal Review", "MSG-4_tooltip": "Review Screen", "MSG-5_tooltip": "Order Summary", "MSG-6_tooltip": "Invoice", "MSG-7_tooltip": "Unarchive Order", "MSG-8_tooltip": "Archive Order", "MSG-9_tooltip": "Combined Report", "MSG-10_tooltip": "Receipt", "MSG-11_tooltip": "Automated Value Assessment", "MSG-1_ArchivedOrders": "Do you wish to move this Order to the Archived Orders tab? Please note that this action will only allow you to view this order in the Archived Orders tab", "MSG-2_ArchivedOrders": "Do you wish to move this Order out of the Archived Orders tab?", "MSG-AVMMethod": "Please choose the Property Information type the AVM order will be based on:", "MSG_PropertyMatchFound": "Please choose the correct address and click 'Run AVM'. Please note that by clicking 'Run AVM' you will have submited your order and you accept the associated changes. Payment option will be presented to you upon a successful AVM result.", "MSG_PropertyMatchNotFound": "We were unable to obtain information for that address using Landcor as a provider. Please confirm the address by clicking on the 'Retry AVM' button or select a traditional appraisal product from the list on the left side of the screen.", "MSG_AVMNotFound": "An AVM is not available for the property. Please select a traditional appraisal from the menu on the left of the screen.", "MSG-DownloadAVM": "Please click below to view your Automated Valuation Report.", "MSG1-GIV": "For a GIV transaction to be valid, it is imperative that the property entered meets the Terms and Conditions below. If all the conditions below are met, accept the terms by checking each box below and select 'Accept'. If you choose 'Decline' you will be redirected to the Traditional Appraisal process.", "MSG2-GIV": "Available for properties located in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. GIV orders in Nova Scotia are limited to Halifax.", "MSG3-GIV": "The Loan to Value ratio must be less or equal to {0} for a GIV transaction to be valid.", "MSG4-GIV": "The Estimate Value must be between {0} and {1} for a GIV transaction to be valid.", "MSG5-GIV": "Please confirm the values by clicking on the Modify Values button, or click on the Traditional Appraisal button to switch to a traditional appraisal.", "MSG6-GIV": "Please verify the legal address in your records with the property/properties displayed and choose the correct one. To continue with the GIV order, click on 'Run GIV' button. By clicking on the 'Run GIV' button you are accepting any charges associated with a GIV. If you want to cancel the order, click on the 'Cancel' button or you may order a traditional appraisal by clicking on the 'Traditional Appraisal' button.", "MSG8-GIV": "A GIV order for the requested address has already been completed in the past 30 days. We are unable to complete a duplicate GIV order. Please submit a traditional Appraisal request, or use 'Quick Search' to retrieve the previous order for this Property.", "MSG9-GIV": "We were unable to obtain information for that address at this moment. Please click Retry or click on the Traditional Appraisal button to switch to a traditional appraisal.", "MSG11-GIV": "Previous GIV Order exists. An additional GIV charge will apply if you continue.", "MSG12-GIV": "Disclaimer: In preparing this report, RPS Real Property Solutions incorporates certain information provided by data suppliers. Such suppliers and their respective suppliers, agents, employees and representatives shall not have any liability for any loss or damages arising from reliance on this report. This limitation is included for the benefit of and can be relied upon by such suppliers.", "MSG13-GIV": "The GIV could not be provided as the market value of the property is outside the client thresholds. Please submit a traditional appraisal by clicking the Traditional Appraisal button below.", "MSG-1_Email": "Lender Email request has been submitted.", "MSG_XMLDocumentNotSaved": "Can not save XmlDocument.", "MSG_NoFileUploadError": "Error: no file uploaded.", "MSG_GenericFileUploadError": "An error has occurred while uploading the attachment.", "MSG_MIMEFileUploadError": "Content is not a MIME multipart content.", "error-404": "The web address you are looking for is not available.", "error-403": "You do not have permission to perform this operation.", "error-500": "Application error - please try again later.", "MSG-3_ArchivedOrders": "Do you wish to move this Order to the Archived Orders tab? Please note that this action will only allow you to view this order in the Archived Orders tab and will unlock this order.", "MSG-1_LockOrderConfirm": "This order has been locked for editing by {0}. To take over this order please click here", "MSG-2_LockOrderConfirm": "This order is currently locked for editing by {0} since {1}. Do you wish to take over this order?", "MSG-1_applicantEmail": "Invalid Applicant Email.", "MSG-GIVtransfer": "Please select a different product type from the list below or clickCancel to cancel this order", "MSG-ValueAppealReason": "The Reason for Value Appeal is required.", "MSG-IssueRequired": "The Issue/Concern is required.", "MSG-ManagerApproval": "Your manager’s approval is required to submit a value appeal request. Please acknowledge that you received your manager’s approval below, enter your manager’s full name, and re-submit the value appeal request", "MSG-2_Report": "Refer to the original Appraisal Report", "MSG-3_Report": "Final Opinion is required.", "MSG-4_Report": "Comments are required.", "MSG-5_Report": "Amended value is required.", "MSG-1_Upgrade": "Are you sure you want to upgrade this request to a Full Appraisal?", "MSG_HPTUnsubscribe": "You have been unsubscribed from the House Price Tracker Report.", "MSG_HPTUnsubcribe_Confirm1": "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?", "MSG_HPTUnsubcribe_Confirm2": "To stop receiving House Price Tracker reports for all your clients in the future, click confirm.", "MSG_RBC_OnHold": "Click Proceed to continue with the appraisal request or click Cancel", "SVC-19": "Market Rents", "SVC-21": "As Is + As Improved", "SVC-63": "Comparables/MLS", "SVC-64": "Comparables/Photos", "SVC-74": "Foreclosure Affidavit", "SVC-75": "Title Verification", "SVC-76": "Sales Maps", "SVC-78": "As Renovated", "SVC-141": "MCAP Fusion", "SVC-167": "Automated Market Value" }